FSMIS (March 13, 2013): Earlier this morning, the FSM National Election Director, Mr. Albert T. Welly, sent a communication to President Manny Mori, notifying him of the certified results of the March 5 FSM Congress two-year term election. Mr. Welly indicated that winning declaration for Chuuk "shall be made after the National election Commissioner has completed and certified the results". Along with the communication was attached the "Certification and Declaration of Winning Candidates" for the other three States, which reflects the following:
Yap State:
Winning Candidate Total votes
Isaac V. Figir 2,692
Pohnpei State:
Winning Candidates Total votes
Dohsis Halbert 2,489
Berney Martin 2,981
David W. Panuelo 2,124
Kosrae State:
Winning Candidate Total votes
Paliknoa K. Welly 2,106
Hello there is it March 2 or 5 election day..