Pacific Islands Forum Leaders at their meeting in Palau, standing row, from left: Forum Secretary-General Slade, New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully; Tuvalu Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga; Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'neill; FSM President Manny Mori; Premier of Niue Toke Talagi; Cook Islands Minister of Finance Mark Brown; Deputy Prime Minister of Australia Warren Truss; and Prime Minister of Vanuatu Joe Natuman; sitting row, from left: President of the Republic of Kribati Anote Tong; Prime Minister of Tonga Siale'ataongo Tu'ivakano; Republic of Palau President Tommy Remengesau Jr.; EU Official; Republic of the Marshall Islands President Christopher Loeak; Samoa Prime Minister Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi; President of Nauru Baron Waqa , Solomon Islands Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo |
FSMIS (August 4, 2014): The Forty-Fifth Pacific Islands
Forum Leaders meeting concluded in Koror, Republic of Palau on July 31st, 2014.
The meeting was attended by the Federated States of Micronesia President Manny
Mori and other Heads of State and Government from the Republic of Kiribati, the
Republic of Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall
Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu.
Australia was represented by its Deputy Prime Minister while
New Zealand and the Republic of Vanuatu were represented by their respective
Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The Cook Islands Minister of Finance represented
his country.
As Associate Members of the Pacific Islands Forum, the French
Polynesia and New Caledonia attended the formal session and were given
opportunities to address the Pacific Leaders.
Other governments and organizations also attended the session
as Observers including Tokelau, Timor-Leste, Wallis and Futuna, the Asian
Development Bank, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the United Nations (UN), the
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), and the World Bank.
Also, some Heads of Organizations and senior officials from
the following groups were at the formal session: The Council of Regional
Organizations of the Pacific (CROP); The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency
(PIFFA); the Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP); the Secretariat of the
Pacific Community (SPC); the South Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO); the
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP); and the
University of the South Pacific (USP).
Based on presentations and discussions undertaken at the
formal plenary on July 30th and decisions agreed upon at their retreat in
Peleliu, Palau a day later, the Pacific Leaders issued an outcome Communiqué
that details the collective actions for short and long term regional focus.
Following decisions made at a special retreat on May 5, 2014
in the Cook Islands, the Leaders endorsed the renewed Pacific Plan calling for
strong partnerships and well-defined principles fostering inclusivity and
regionalism. They also affirmed the important roles the CROP agencies play in
relation to the Framework for Pacific Regionalism and directed the Forum
Secretariat to ensure higher transparency and efficiency of meetings.
In view of the Post 2015 Development Agenda and the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG's) being discussed at the global level, the Pacific
Leaders expressed concern regarding the number of goals and targets and called
on the global community to focus on limited number of SDG's and make the agenda more
achievable. Given the concern and other needs, the Leaders looked forward to the
upcoming Small Islands Development States (SIDS) international conference in
Apia, Samoa in September 2014 as a platform for unified interventions by the Forum Island
Countries (FIC's) to affect global development agendas and ensure the inclusion
of Ocean Sustainable Development as a stand-alone goal to be emphasized under the
post-2015 global SDG's.
The Leaders also endorsed the Palau Declaration on 'The
Ocean: Life and Future' as a document by the PIF Leaders. This declaration
stresses the importance of the ocean to Pacific people, enumerates the existing
threats and dangers facing and faced by ocean populations, and emphasizes the need
for integrated management approaches for
sustainable utilization and conservation of marine habitats and resources.
The Leaders also undertook actions and provided direction on
the treatment of issues relating to the threat of invasive species on Pacific
economies and communities, Fiji's readmission to the Forum, Regional Assistance
Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), Transnational and Boarder Security Issues,
Radioactive Contamination in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Private
Sector Dialogue in the region.
Additionally, the Leaders agreed to accept Tokelau's
application for Associate Membership in the Forum and admitted the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) under Observer status. Spain and
Turkey were also granted membership in the Post-Forum Dialogue (PFD), which
took immediate effect at the August 1st meeting between Partner countries and
the PIF Member-States.
After six years of leading the Forum Secretariat, Leaders
expressed their appreciation to Mr. Tuiloma Neroni Slade for his significant
role in the strengthening of the region the past six years. To replace Mr.
Slade, the Leaders appointed Mrs. Dame Meg Taylor of Papua New Guinea as the
new Forum Secretariat Secretary-General for a three year term, beginning in
November 2014.
As confirmed, future PIF Leaders Meeting will be held as
follows: Papua New Guinea in 2015; the Federated States of Micronesia in 2016;
Samoa in 2017; Nauru in 2018 and Tuvalu in 2019.