Thursday, February 14, 2013

Justice Secretary Skilling named as Executive Branch representative on 2013 FSM Law Day debate coordinating committee

FSMIS (February 14, 2013): In response to FSM Chief Justice Martin G. Yinug’s invitation, President Manny Mori named Secretary April Dawn M. Skilling on February 12 as the Executive Branch representative on the FSM National Law Day 2013 Coordinating Committee.

A coordinating committee is appointed each year by the Chief Justice with representatives from the other branches to organize the law day. The committee selects its chairman and decides on the topic of the debate.

Since 1991, the FSM Law Day debate has become the premiere annual debate in the country with over $150,000 in scholarship funds issued to the high school student participants to pursue college degrees.

After rounds of debates at the state level, finalists square off with debaters from other states on July 12 in a one-day event that is nationally broadcast.

This year’s debate topic will be formulated pending the convening of the coordinating committee.

For more information, or call 320-2548.

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